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Instruction and Introduction to Master HORA Articles and Writings
Instruction and Introduction to Master HORA Articles and Writings

Instruction and Introduction to Master HORA Articles and Writings

Instruction and Introduction

to Master HORA

Articles and Writings


Master HORA about “Knowing”

Each civilization has its ideal of human beings, with their physical, mental, psychological, moral, and spiritual parameters. They are identified in religious cultures, whose physical ideal is preserved in sculptures, paintings, and descriptions; mental, psychological, moral, etc. ― within those religions.

The search for the “ideal” has continued for thousands of years. It is practically unachievable, as this "product" cannot be touched with hands. A mathematical analogy of such a product the squaring of a circle; where the circle the ideal, and the square of it can be sought infinitely.

Something that is sold and cannot be touched with one’s hands is a special kind of commodity. Imagine: one is sitting and trading, the question being, with what? ― Nothing. And it sells, and they have been buying it for more than one thousand years ― under various labels and as the same product. But to understand what is really hidden under today's label in the field of informative chaos is extremely difficult; but possible.

A question: What are they selling? An active consumer is not in the mood to wait for America to sail to him, and there is no shortage of Magellans on the market. There is a massive and active trading market, and this demand (a search for integrity, a search for the ideal) has, is and always will exist.

In the age of the global market, even a saint can’t resist such temptation; and what to think of a normal, earthly, modern man? It's such an opportunity! Demand creates supply; and demand ― exists.

A search for the perfect human ― the ideal of a third civilization. This semi-conscious topic is embodied in many forms on the market, from natural science research to paranoid delusions and demagoguery. I.e. all the layer of society are satisfied, from intellectuals to the openly psychopathic; a natural creative process is going on.

And suddenly I appear, a stranger for all. Some look at me with eyes that say: "isn’t he another scoundrel, a fabricator, a dreamer?" which is natural; while others are using caution: perhaps he is a storyteller; perhaps a dreamer? ― i.e. a competitor, which is also natural. Such is the nature of this subject.

 In the topic of evolution I'm talking about the next step, which a human being will make consciously, and without fantasies. Naturally, what should a rational ― absolutely rational! ― person think about it: "After all, nobody knows how it really should be. This is an area of assumptions, theoretical reasoning, etc. And here consciously, and this means that a human being should know what it is. Moreover, each one independently and individually should know it.”

No species in the nature as a whole and collectively has ever moved on to the next evolutionary stage; generally evolution is a slow process. It turns out that I am ― a contradiction of contradictions. Convincing. But:

I do not claim this. Listen carefully: the next evolutionary step, a human being ― not mankind, but a human being ― will make consciously. The number is determined by time. A human is capable to make the next step ― and not slowly, as it is in evolution. I present a substantiation for this. In time it will be presented more fully.   

I told you what a sane person should think: nonsense. I too consider myself sane, and this position is normal to me.

What is more surprising: "I know this," "we know this," "everyone knows it.” Well done. 

I’ll explain what's behind the word "I know."

Who doesn’t know what an airplane is? I know it, you know it, and everybody knows it.

Now tell this to a professional.

Continuation of this idea is applied to the topic in question: "this so-called-knowing; they’ve known it for thousands of years."

Know what? That the next evolutionary step a human will make consciously? Specify the source, the one that doesn’t have a prophetic, predictive, postulate, etc. character.

How should such a question be formulated, and what do I understand by the word "I know" in this case:

1) to bring it to a realization, at a minimum, and to know it conclusively, without relying on faith;

2) after having realized it prove that this is the next step;

3) and to prove that the method used is the embodiment of the idea, its implementation, and not just for oneself.

Each of these three items is of a professional "I know" nature ― i.e. how to really make an airplane fly. This includes creating all technical documentation, compliance with all technological characteristics, staff training, safe operation, as well as infrastructure related to the development and exploitation of aircraft (i.e. aircraft construction, aviation, design bureaus, etc., and the above listed ― is only what lies on the surface. A complete list will have to comprise everything).

But everyone really knows what an airplane is. It all depends on what they mean by the word "they know." 

In order to describe a process of The Creation comprehensively all the paper on earth would not be enough. In the Book of Genesis (the Bible) the process of creation, including of a human being, takes a single page. Everyone knows that. One page and no one can refute what is written there, including all of modern science; it can only be proved, using all forms of counter proof. I.e. a question is solved ingeniously in a simple way. 

What is the next step in evolution within a modern, abundant shopping counter? Where all the same terms are used; the word is familiar ― then we know it.

As an example, take any expression from yoga and offer it to ten qualified specialists, so that they could explain its meaning to you. You will receive ten totally different and conflicting answers. And to avoid being sad about your incompetence, have them talk to each other afterwards. In conversation, each of them will mean exactly what he understands. But have no doubt: they’ll be sitting there for a long time and will come to an agreement, although each will remain with his/her opinion.

This issue is not solved by any dictionary, or debates, or by voting. Problems of this kind are solved by the three points described above (realize it, prove it, and so on).

Conclusion: Either the terms are outdated, or the seeds are falling in the wrong places.


What is a human being? Who knows? Who can say that someone really knows what is it? Especially, who has the ability to say what will be the next evolutionary human?

And what should be the amount of knowledge required by today's standards? It's not about the airplane, and not even just about a person ― we’re talking about what should be ahead. I.e. about something that doesn’t exist.

The phrase "I know," suggests ignorance. I’ll explain; and, apparently, I will have to do this all the time.

Programming for inferiority "I know," "we know," "everyone knows it" ― puts the person in the position of being a willfully ignorant. Who dares to plead ignorance in an environment where "everyone knows it?" The very essence of the claim is this: you're a fool or what? A person must be very strong not to get caught up in this.

These are the methods of suppression: brain washing into ignorance, with implantation of fear, of being inferior; defective. Who is not afraid, of being this way? Who will not fear it? It is safer to nod your head and to pass on the baton "I know" to the next one. This is not my terminology, it’s folk saying: "jinx," In addition ― exponentially expanding, where everyone knows everything.

This creates grounds for deceit, snobbery, and ignorance; it cultivates a sense of superiority from a feeling of personal belonging to a progressive community, i.e. to power ("WE" = "i", then "i becomes a big capital: "I").

Substantiated judgment is replaced by an opinion without any support. What is natural for the self-assertion of any person, until he is somewhat professional at least in something. But even this does not always save us from the desire to judge what we don’t know. Who is not familiar with the first year of college ― a society of geniuses.

A stereotype: educated ― therefore he/she must know everything. Hence "competent in everything." Today's incompetence is covered with diplomas, which are available to buy on any corner[2]. Naturally, the more degrees you have, the higher the competence. You can even swap them: you respect me, I respect you ― who knows, maybe they’ll believe that we're respectable academicians.

This creates a society where no one knows anything, and everyone knows everything. You can mold such a society into anything you want, and do what you want with it. And they did. For those who don’t remember this, the doors are wide open there, and it is always hospitable.

To understand today's professional, industrially organized quackery, we must understand that the rules of industry, and business rules of the modern world, can really be applied to all, including quackery.

Options of pulling the wool over peoples’ eyes: the set of diplomas, many belts, medals, titles, ranks, etc. etc. ― and the more the better. Seeing such confirmation of a service to society, to progress, one can’t help but rush into these arms: oh, dear father!

A quality education ― a solid minimum ― guarantees of the institution's image with an established reputation. One’s personal professional reputation is also guaranteed.

Where is a problem: An advertisement turns everything upside down. The advertising industry doesn’t care what it sells; it would sell even a brick in a nice wrapper as gold bar. Advertising looks on life from a philosophical point of view: the more bricks, the better.   

Methods of professional protection: interviews, and creative events, etc. Where you can get an idea approximately whether you are talking with a professional or not.

Education, competence, professionalism ― it is top ranks, top self-sufficiency; a small circle of people, a caste. There have never been too many of those, and will never be, because the rules of industry do not apply to them. This caste is an active engine of progress, whose fruits are enjoyed by all, including me. But, in my topic, even they do not possess professional competence.

If we gather all the genetic engineers, all the scientists, all the spiritually advanced individuals, including, magicians, psychics, and not just from today all together they will not be able to say what the next evolutionary step will be, how to make it, and how to recognize it without a doubt, with absolute precision. Of course, this question has never been put forward as I formulate it: this way ― and no other way. To realize it ― and prove it.

In today's reality, declarations like "a human will make the next evolutionary step consciously" require a comprehensive justification.

You can’t realize it or explain it with modern canons.

To make the next evolutionary step with ancient methods? ― There is no visible practical result.

So what do we sell?

I cannot demand that "experts" not only read what I write, but also think about what they read; according to the law of market the consumer is always right.

In this case I am also a consumer. I want to buy your product; experts sell it. I will not buy the air from you. I need a concrete product. Estimate it and sell it.

Or at least try to estimate what it might cost. 

As stated above, a desire is not a determining factor for natural evolution; a determining factor is a necessity in evolution. The need is obvious. A third civilization is super-dynamic, and an evolutionary step is its demand. There can be any number of assumptions about next evolutionary step, but know it really means:

1) absolutely accurate answer for each individual;

2) absolutely no alternative option for each individual;

3) complete elimination of any assumptions, despite the authorities, without relying on faith, only though proof.

There is a popular form of description, and there is a strictly professional one for specialists. The topic that I have to present isn’t simple. It should be equally perceptible for a professional as well as for a conventionally thinking person; there is no single professional slang suitable for it.

When arguing, I must refer to stereotypical, but real, knowledge. While disclosing the meaning of the words themselves, the speculative explanations that are based on them will be destroyed. This will hurt in any case.

But for a true professional reason the above is emotion. This is a prerequisite for professional growth.

I will have to prove the un-provable. The only way ― is to use terms that are prevalent among the masses, thus confirming its viability. I will only have to make clear and explicit their implicit content. That is what is being done.


Master HORA,

Article “Another Part II”


Answer to the Captain.

An applied tool on how to read Master HORA's information


My greetings to you,


Your text and materials are interesting. But it is hard to understand the sequence that the reader is supposed to follow.

I also think that simplified explanations leave a deeper trace (mark) in memory. Many of the facts could be mentioned in separate footnotes rather than in the main text.

Businessmen and politicians filter information first of all by measuring its ADVANTAGES:

-          What can I get out of it?

-          What do I need this for?

-          Why should I think about it now?

-          What will happen if I don’t think about it?


It seems to be the logical way of evaluating any proposal.



Captain” 01/06/2001



Master HORA Reply:


Thank you for your greeting.

If I was to provide explanations within very strict limits ― as you have suggested ― I would end up creating a scientific work which would fill up a good-sized library. It is impossible to answer questions in such a way.

Here are the advantages of my answer:

The form in which the answer is given is compressed to the maximum. A person possessing even a slight analytical capacity has an opportunity to somewhat soar over such compressed material and see everything at once by paying attention to particular things of personal importance, driven by his or her own personal priorities. They become an inner core that a person can rely on, and one will return to the text again and again, one’s own priorities will make one do it. (Peeling back the layers ― self-improvement)

As a result, a well-composed picture will develop naturally and the inner core will be that which is particularly important to the person (“active participation”). The personality[1] is actively present, self-protected, it doesn’t degrade and doesn’t lose itself in a vast informational kaleidoscope (“chaos”). Thus, a personality is given an opportunity to be in a thinking process and to achieve the maximum effectiveness independently (“freedom of decision-making”).

This is the advantage of my answering format. It is my particular way of thinking, it is a result of upbringing tested by a quite extensive period of time, in many generations (“skill transfer”). Its advantages ― soaring, capturing, dynamics, and steadfastness.

My answers do not just make someone’s thinking glide over the surface and swallow the advertising “bait” (imposed way of thought), they indeed force a person to contemplate.

The process of one’s thinking is personal and intimate (“internal freedom”), it is an inner evolution. Such dynamics allows for personal growth, recognition of oneself in the way one really is, rather than what one seems to be, without self-delusion; accepting oneself for who one is (“reconciliation”). A higher qualitative level ― awakening. It can be trained in stages, just like assembling a puzzle (time, upbringing; the world changes, it doesn’t stay still). This is important to understand. These subjects have been mentioned before (see articles: “East-West” and “Another - Part I”, not yet available in English). The only outcome: the puzzle ― pieces ― disappear, and a complete vision gets awakened. The world is infinite with objects, it lures, draws us into temptation: blindness (“pseudo narcotic state”). It doesn’t matter whether one is in luxury or in poverty. The question is ― what to rely on?

     Without seeing oneself it is impossible to see this world. Without accepting oneself it is impossible to accept this world (non-acceptance, “isms”). Inside ― it is the same thing, the same objects and the same process. Through self-recognition ― an individual is re-born: The World is indivisible. (Religiousness itself, without “isms.”) My texts, while reading, actively reveal personal priorities. For some it is as if they wrote it themselves, for others ― they want to tear it to pieces (either way ― is an immersion, participation).

The masks come off, and each reveals its true self (“self-recognition”). Society consists of personalities. Society is dependent on personalities, and personalities ― on society.

Personal experience (information, professionalism, competence) fills in all the missing links in the texts ― cleansing, recognition (“personal vision”), the inner core is manifested (“stability”), and at that point a personality on which one can rely is developed. 

My answers awake whatever a person has within, and it may be irritating. It may seem to the uninformed that the fault is the one of the text or of the Master. I have explained it above: you will find the reason within yourself. Such a narrative form is optimized in its effectiveness. This is the fastest way of multi-dimensional penetration into the essence of you, the reader. This is not feeding a baby with a spoon, and doesn’t include any propaganda or moral teachings. The text compels a person to see himself as he really is. And this is good, in any case, it is a starting point. A little more time ― realization will come. Only the ones with the potential can grow and change ― yet everyone has this potential. However, many do not use it or they waste it in vain. There is no growth without pain, while the child is in the process of being born it is silent ― the mother is the one screaming; once born ― and screams, the mother smiles. The child eats ― quiet again (he is in peace). The question is: what awaits him in the future? 

I have answered your question, considering your suggestions. There are references in parentheses ― the words all sound familiar, but their modern meanings are more than outdated and shabby. The world doesn’t stay in one place. (Third Civilization, see article, “Another - Part I”, not yet available in English) If these modern terms are left as they are, without cleaning, then my answer will be buried under the weight of various interpretations; there are enough of those grave-diggers, interpreters. If I am to interpret these terms with consideration of my outlook on the world, its evolution, evolution of the society, evolution of the human being, then their outdated meanings will change. In any case, clashes are unavoidable, and I know this. Though my goals are different (see above, “reconciliation”). Not everything is as simple as it seems. This is a delicate matter. Your recommendations are heard ― they are reasonable, pragmatic and good-willed. To do it the way you suggest, meaning simplify composition with facts in separate footnotes ― would indeed be good for business and politics: advertisement and sale of goods.

As an example, my answer to you could be put in a brief form according to the suggested scheme:

-          What can I get out of it?

-          What do I need this for?

-          Why should I think about it now?

-          What will happen if I don’t think about it?

You will easily predict the result.

I follow the principle:

-          Who am I talking to?

-          What am I talking about?

-          What am I talking for?

I pointed out to you in my answer what is of real value to me. What is important to understand: I am not a hypocrite and not against luxury ― I embrace it, with both arms. The key difference: but not by any means necessary.

                 Master HORA



Meditation of Calmness. Meditation of Silence.
(Awakening of Memory)

First phase. 

As everyone knows, women are more perceptive and emotional than men[1].

In extreme emotional states (grief — joy: both extremes represent — stress) a woman instinctively, unconsciously, reflexively puts her hand on her chest. By doing this, she protects her heart and sets it at deep calmness. She is born with this knowledge/instinct.

Any woman can confirm that this is practically a borderline between life and death; neither here — nor there.

She is in a state of deep calmness, inner-focused; such protection is given to her by nature. Women, tell me if Master is wrong. Am I not right?

Today, this gesture is preserved by men in the Middle East, who tend to have a wider emotional range. It is a gesture of greeting and respect. With this gesture, they put passions of the heart to rest.

It is inherent in mountain-dwelling[2] people they are tough and straightforward. With gesture a mountain-dwelling person defends himself from others — he calms himself down and urges another person to do be attentive.

The gesture remains — the knowledge was lost.

The knowledge of meditative calmness was lost.


How to Awaken Meditative Calmness

(Before you try to do this, read carefully.
The text is simple, but requires attention).


First phase (Static)
(Condition: Stop for a second and don’t fuss around.
Do not overexert yourself.)

You can sit on a chair or stand. Your eyes should be open. (No lying down or sitting on the floor.)

1.      Let your hand rest on your chest in a natural way. It is not — an intellectual centipede — it does not have to think; it knows its place.

2.      A light, natural inhalation will occur spontaneously; it is short. Listen to your hand from inside. Exhale naturally. Listen to your hand from inside.

3.      A second breath. Your chest will expand spontaneously, naturally. Listen to your hand from inside. Exhalation will occur naturally. Do not block your breathing; do not interrupt it. Your hand knows better — listen to your hand from inside.

4.      A third breath — your spine will stretch up naturally and spontaneously, and your breathing will fill you up. Do not be tense; do not overexert yourself — listen to your hand from inside. An exhalation will occur naturally; don’t focus your attention on it — listen to your hand from inside.

5.      Remove your hand from your chest. Hold your attention on the spot where you placed your hand — peacefully and effortlessly.

And that’s all.

Time: Remain in this position for two to three minutes. The procedure is finished. The first phase (static) is completed.

You can get back to your normal activities without disrupting your daily routine.

Deep calmness will stay with you for seven to twenty minutes, but the sense of calmness will last much longer. This period of time will grow with your experience. 

After you verify it, I have a question to everyone, and to sophisticated professionals as well. Do practical methods exist, or did they ever exist — any methods, wherever and whenever — that achieve this much in such a short period of time, and convey it through the written word?

Let’s agree: This is only possible because it is really an instinct (evolutionary optimization — the best option possible).

That's why I’m saying this: masters never invented anything; they are pragmatists of the pragmatists.

(The description of the inner correlations/processes in the procedure detailed above is extremely specific and represents a practical value for only a very small number of specialists.)

It may be interesting to discover how masters are actually taught.

Below is an example. It contains complete information about the inter-connections of what is said briefly and pragmatically above.

Light a Candle™

Army of doubts, army of passions,


The fortress of the guru is under siege.

Light a candle, light it.

Shield the gate with your arm — protect.

Light a candle, light it.

Don’t close your eyes, Don’t look down nor up.

Breathe in three times, breathe out three times —

Be careful, do not blow on the candle.

Light it.

You are ready, open the gate — enter.

And that’s — all.

Master HORA


[1] Emotion as a necessary skill of survival and protection

[2] Referring to Kavkaz mountain region of Russian/Georgia/Armenia/Azerbaijan


General Note: An explanation of Master HORA’s writing style and use of the dash (“ ) in the text.

1. Communication style of the author, where the rhythm of the text represents the training of trance-evolutionary consciousness and vector-thinking processes. The style teaches and directs a person to a new way of reflection.

2. One concept flows from or into another concept.

3. Pause